S4 membership - PlayHQ AFL integration
Your scoreboard will run automatically while your scorer uses the PlayHQ scoring app. Including automatic sponsor ads after the Goals.
Huge discounting if you need to connect 2 or more ovals at your venue.
Also included is the "manual" Remote-app scoring system (for non-PlayHQ games, and as a backup).
- PC already connected and operating your existing video scoreboard
- Internet connection on the scoreboard PC
If you do not have the above requirements, Solid can also supply these, see Tough PC & Tough Modem.
If you choose the 12 x monthly payments you will be expected to pay the full 12 months in total before the following season is activated.
There is a SEPARATE membership for PlayHQ Cricket.

PlayHQ scoreboard integration
PlayHQ can now connect to scoreboards. What does this mean? No messy double entering into different systems. Just score on your regular PlayHQ device and your electronic scoreboard changes!

These images show what Solid can do "automatically" if the scorer is using PlayHQ's scoring system. If you are a club with an existing scoreboard OR a scoreboard provider that needs to integrate with PlayHQ then please get in touch with us for more detail. We service all of Australia & New Zealand with PlayHQ integration.