Connect your scoreboard to PlayHQ!

"Just set it, & forget it".

Turn your scoreboard on and walk away. Your scoreboard will automatically monitor the online PlayHQ data (controlled by your scorer running the PlayHQ app).

Memberships available for either AFL or Cricket.

PlayHQ scoreboard integration

PlayHQ can now connect to scoreboards. What does this mean? No messy double entering into different systems. Just score on your regular PlayHQ device and your electronic scoreboard changes!

More information (PDF)

These images show what Solid can do "automatically" if the scorer is using PlayHQ's scoring system. If you are a club with an existing scoreboard OR a scoreboard provider that needs to integrate with PlayHQ then please get in touch with us for more detail. We service all of Australia & New Zealand with PlayHQ integration.

Call 03 9708 2992