Electronic Scoreboards Australia

Turn your club into Hollywood!

Solid Scoreboards provide a new and state of the art solution for electronic scoreboards in Australia.

With these capabilities, you can turn your tired old club ground into a dazzling arena that is sure to draw fans and profits. It is more important than ever for clubs to return on their sponsors investments, and one of the best ways to do this (apart from being a successful club, obviously) is to enhance the venue you play at.

Why choose us to install your electronic scoreboard?

By investing in Solid Scoreboard’s state of the art technology you are building the relationship between your club and sponsor. A sponsor can promote their product with more capability with our scoreboards and if a potential sponsor sees the capability a Solid Scoreboard has for product promotion, they will want to get in on the action as well.

We have spent over a decade constantly investing in our software development, our specialist scoreboards ticks every box for a local sports team’s requirements. Feel free to contact us to view a demonstration and see how our investment can enhance the atmosphere and profitability of your venue.

We provide football and cricket club boards, video walls, and display signage for businesses.

Do you have an old manual scoreboard structure? Want to automate it for a bargain? ...your solution is here

Download Scoreboard Conversion Flyer

Looking forward to scoring with the PlayHQ app? ...and having your scoreboard run automatically :)

The long awaited PlayHQ cricket integration is here. In seamless fashion you can operate the one device and:

  • control the scores on your electronic scoreboard
  • enable those members not at the ground to view live scores

Contact us for more information

If you have any further enquiries about our state of the art electronic scoreboards, prices, would like to view a demonstration, or would like to arrange our installation service, please feel free to call us on 03 9708 2992 and we will give you all the information you require.